
What is Cuevas Medek Exercise?

CME Cuevas-Medek-Exercises

Cuevas Medek Exercise CME®
CME® Stands for Cuevas Medek Exercise. Cuevas MEDEK Exercises or the Dynamic Method of Kinetic Stimulation is a physical therapy approach created and developed by Chilean physiotherapist, Ramon Cuevas, in the 1970s.

Cuevas Medek Exercise therapy is composed of more than 3000 exercises. Each exercise represents a particular bio mechanical challenge for the child. CME® exercises are designed to promote an active response. A totally avant-garde approach is inspired to provoke automatic motor responses in motor delayed children.

What are the results of Cuevas Medek?
We are seeing tremendous results using CME® for early intervention. The technique can be used on children as young as three months, and can be continued until children walk by themselves.

Why Cuevas Medek Exercise?
Gradually CME exposes the child to gravity through progressively more distal support. Aids help develop gross motor skills and evokes postural control. CME provokes absent automatic motor responses. Cuevas Medek also integrates stretching into the exercises helping with flexibility. Cuevas Medek Exercise does not necessarily require the active participation of the child.

Who Can Benefit From Cuevas Medek Exercises?
Cuevas medek exercises can benefit children from 3 months of age. Cuevas Medek can be used at any age but the goal is to help children improve their motor skills and it is often used until our children are walking independently. It is appropriate for children with delays in gross motor skills, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Hypotonia, Global Developmental Delay and many more disabilities.

Who does the treatment at Hope?
Ayşegül, a physical therapy graduate from Süleyman Demirel University, specializes in pediatric physiotherapy with 7 years of experience. She is the first CME Level 3 therapist in Turkey and the Middle East, ranking 40th globally. Certified in DIR Floortime, Sensory Integration, and ABA Level 1, Ayşegül also incorporates Pilates to address children’s physical needs, focusing on developmental, neurological, and orthopedic challenges.

When can I see Cuevas Medek Exercises being performed?
At Hope, we do the CME® formal assessment in one session. To show the parents quantitatively the psycho-motor age of the child. Areas of weakness and what needs to be done. A demonstration of some exercises is done during that session to assess the responses of the child and to show parents what exercises of CME® are like.

How do I get my child in for treatment & is there a waiting list like other clinics?
After the CME® formal assessment. A report is sent to the parents within 48 hours explaining the Child’s ability and what is the recommendation. Then they can book as per their convenience and the availability of the therapist. We have a very flexible schedule and 6 day work week, so usually it is fairly easy to get a spot.

If you would like to see if Cuevas Medek Exercises are right for your child please get in touch

  • +971529997075, +97143460066

More on Ceuvas Medek Exercise

By admin | March 11, 2018 | Categories: Cuevas Medek Exercises |

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