

Pediatric Speech Therapist / Feeding Therapist

Chaido a PhD candidate has more than 10 years of experience as a speech and Language therapist. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Speech and Language in Greece. A Master’s in clinical Speech and Language, with specialisation in Dysphagia at Trinity College of Dublin and is a candidate for a Master’s in Health Research at Stirling University.

Since then she combined her postgraduate studies in Trinity College of Dublin with clinical experience by working and attending in different placements. she worked with children with developmental disorders, Autism, down syndrome, Dyspraxia, dysarthria, cerebral Palsy and many more.

Chaido is trained in the use of a scale for assessment of feeding skills in the NICU for preterm infants. “Early Feeding Skills assessment”. She worked as an external collaborator of the General Hospital for assessment and follow up of the preterm regarding speech and language skills and mainly feeding.

Chaido is trained and certified in BOBATH neurodevelopmental method for children and in sensory integration in order to better understand and provide a holistic management. The “MORE” approach from sensory integration is also a method of sensory input in children with difficulties in feeding.

She attended and used the ARK Z-VIBE methods and tools and oral placement tools from Talk tools in order to develop protocols of oral placement therapy. Oral placement therapy was always combined by an individualized therapy plan which includes myofunctional exercises and preparation of the whole body in order to enable a child to work for oral placement.

As a speech therapist she often had to screen and assess children with high functioning level but with difficulties such as food selectivity which is common in children with developmental disorders but also in children with typical development. She was trained in SOS program for feeding and the baby led weaning for feeding. With those two approaches she constructed counselling programs for families and children in order to improve feeding and eating.

Videofluoroscopy and Fees objective assessments were main fields during her studies and as far as speech skills improvement the use of “Touch and say” method for children and the “Nuffield” for dyspraxia are used.

Chaido is also trained in the introductory level of “Prompt”.

Chaido is highly skilled in Alternative and Augmentative Communication systems with vast experience in Pecs, PODD, proloquo2go and Grid3 (eye gaze system).

Chaido is also trained on Voice disorders and worked with patients who faced voice difficulties.

Chaido’s motto comes from ancient Greece “The physical powers inside us are the real therapists of the disorder” Hippocrates.

Chaido’s Clinical Trainings/ Certifications include:

  • Pediatric Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)
  • Sensory integration for Speech therapists
  • The TEACCH® Autism Program
  • Dir Floortime approach for developmental disorders
  • Intensive Interaction
  • Behavioral approach for stuttering
  • M.O.R.E for oral cavity
  • Sequential Oral Sensory Approach to Feeding
  • Oral placement therapy
  • Electric stimulation for the management of swallowing disorders,
  • RehaIngest combining the measurement of electromyography and bioimpedance (BI)
  • AAC for children with cp
  • Pecs
  • Podd
  • Makaton
  • Lee Silverman’s (Lsvt Loud)
  • Touch and say
  • Voice craft for voice disorders


  • English
  • Greek

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