
Helping My Toddler Reach Developmental Milestones With Occupational Therapy

occupational therapy dubai

Oh, hello parents! How is your toddler doing? No doubt, watching a toddler grow and explore the world is so wholesome. 

But sometimes, they may face hurdles in reaching their developmental milestones. These milestones mark a child’s ability to communicate with the world around them and convey their thoughts. 

So, as a parent when you see your little bundle of joy – your toddler is having difficulty with the first word, or a step or doing their daily chores, you should not be upset. Instead, you should not waste time but reach out to a licensed therapist who can help your kid to overcome obstacles and lead a happy life.

Occupational Therapy (OT) 

Occupational therapy is like a boon to children who have developmental delays, or other conditions. Plus, when it comes to therapy, often parents just think about the therapy sessions – but tailored occupational therapy targets the weak zones of a child’s life. The overall goal of the therapy is to extend support into every aspect of daily life. 

So, whether it is about learning to hold a spoon or taking the first step – occupational therapy helps toddlers in every possible way.

Developmental delays in toddlers 

occupational therapy dubai

So, what are developmental delays in toddlers? A developmental delay is when your toddlers are comparably slow to reach one/more developmental milestones than their peers. These developmental milestones are –

  • Smiling for the very first time
  • Pulling up to stand
  • Rolling over
  • Taking the first step
  • Indicating bye-bye 
  • Speaking words like “dada.”

Children reach these developmental milestones through learning, playing, speaking, behaving and moving. However, these developmental rates may vary from one toddler to another.

Even if your toddler lacks in these areas as per age, that’s okay. All you need to do is to remain alert. You should look for signs that indicate your toddler has developmental delays. When a toddler does not show an improvement in these developmental areas, you shouldn’t waste any time but consult a therapist.

How to observe your toddler’s development?

As a parent, you need to closely observe how your lovely toddler is interacting, playing, and responding to their environment. This close observation process helps identify potential areas of concern early on.

Here are some key questions to consider as you observe your toddler’s progress:

Does my child struggle with simple or basic tasks?

Look for any difficulties that your toddler has with everyday activities like eating, dressing or using toys properly. 

Is my toddler reaching motor milestones?

Look for whether your child is reaching important physical milestones for example, rolling over, crawling, walking or grasping any object as they are supposed to by their age.

How does my child react to sensory experiences?

Observe how your toddler responds to different sensations – sound, touch or movement. Overly sensitive or underactive reactions can be a warning sign.

Is my toddler engaging socially?

Look for signs of social interaction like making eye contact, playing with other children and responding to social cues. Difficulties in these areas may indicate your child needs to see an expert.

Does my child have difficulty with focus or attention?

Observe how your toddler engages in play and tasks. Challenges in maintaining focus or staying on task are an early indicator of attention-related concerns.

How does occupational therapy support toddlers with developmental goals?

Occupational therapy is a great support system for toddlers who are experiencing developmental delays. This is basically a therapy, filled with therapeutic play, exercises, and activities tailored to the individual needs. Occupational therapists help toddlers develop the skills necessary for daily living.

First is fine and gross motor skills which occupational therapy helps toddlers with. This therapy helps develop crucial motor skills to perform different types of tasks like holding a spoon, or pencil or grabbing a toy to walk or jump. OT helps to build hand-eye coordination. 

Occupational therapy also helps little toddlers to understand different types of sensory information. It helps them to feel more comfortable in their surroundings.

Occupational therapy is play-based activities. Therapists support cognitive development through this therapy. It encourages problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Early intervention and personalized Therapy plan

Early intervention is key to the development of kids. The faster a toddler begins occupational therapy, the quicker it supports their development. 

But, in occupational therapy, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Meaning, the therapists first assess the difficulty levels of toddlers. Based on their findings, they design a unique therapy plan – where there are targeted activities and exercises. 

Hope AMC is a prestigious rehabilitation center that offers tailored occupational therapy in Dubai for toddlers and also for growing kids.

We have licensed therapists and doctors and they have years of experience in treating kids of various age groups. 

Our clinic focuses on child-friendly therapeutic techniques. That’s why kids find it encouraging to participate in therapy sessions. We have both one-on-one and group sessions for kids. Plus, we advise parents/caregivers to join us in our therapy sessions so that they understand the activities or exercises and help the toddler even at home.

Visit our official website to know more! Book a consultation to discuss the condition of your kid.

For more information do visit our facebook page!

By admin | August 6, 2024 | Categories: Occupational Therapy Dubai | Tags:

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