
What is It?

Our handwriting programs for kids are individually tailored by an occupational therapist to meet the needs of each child. We focus on the foundational skills each child needs in order to be able to write letters, words, and sentences without frustration or stress. We use concepts and tools from the Child Handwriting Without Tears program, a program developed in the United States, which uses engaging multi-sensory approaches to teach children how to hold their pencil and form letters with greater ease and confidence.

Who can Benefit?

Children ages 3 to 8 years.

Children are screened on an individual basis to determine if they can benefit from this child handwriting program.

What are the Benefits?

Developmental skills that can affect a child’s handwriting, and which can improve through participation in this handwriting for kids program include:

  • Brain’s ability to interpret what one’s eyes are seeing
  • Using one’s eyes and hands together
  • Controlling one’s pencil
  • Hand and finger strength and dexterity
  • Arm strength
  • Core strength to maintain an upright posture
  • Positioning in chair and at table
  • Ability to process touch, movement, hearing, body position, and vision

Aspects of handwriting that which can improve through participation in this program include:

  • Forming letters
  • Writing with enough pressure
  • Keeping letters on the line
  • Spacing between letters and words
  • Making letters the correct size and shape
  • Letter reversals
  • Pre-writing (the lines and shapes one needs to learn in order to be able to write letters)
  • Enjoyment of handwriting


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