Feeding Therapy Dubai – an innovative treatment for eating problems in toddlers
Many young children are diagnosed with feeding and swallowing disorders, which is also termed as Dysphagia. With such disorders, the children may face difficulty at any step of the feeding process. If your child is a picky or fussy eater or shows developmentally atypical eating and drinking behaviour, then you should consider consulting a Speech and Language therapist. Children with feeding and eating disorders show various symptoms like not accepting age-appropriate food or liquids. They may have difficulties in using age-appropriate feeding devices or utensils, as well as not being able to self-feed.
Feeding Therapy is an appropriate treatment for children, who are having difficulties in feeding and swallowing food and drinks. Most of the time they take only a limited variety or a very small quantity of food and drink or show specific mealtime behaviour – all of which are not age appropriate.
At Hope-AMC, which is a centre for paediatric feeding disorders therapy in Dubai, we aim at improving the following habits and attributes in children:
- Making the muscles of the mouth stronger,
- Strong muscles help in chewing and swallowing food particles properly. So, Paediatric Feeding Therapy in Dubai focuses on making the mouth’s muscles stronger.
- Increasing tongue movement,
- Improving chewing,
- Increasing acceptance of different foods and liquids.
- Improving sucking and or drinking ability.
- Coordinating the suck-swallow-breath pattern (for infants);
- Altering food textures and liquid thickness to ensure safe swallowing.
At Hope, we offer pediatric feeding therapy. We have a specialized team of Paediatric Speech and Language therapists who will help your child to overcome his or her weaknesses or difficulties in feeding and or swallowing and make sure that everything is done in a safe way to enable your child to get the maximum benefit from the pediatric feeding therapy. After assessing the condition of the child and other factors like age, cognitive and physical abilities and specific issues, an appropriate Feeding Therapy plan is suggested by the therapists. Supporting hydration and nutrition, reducing the risk of pulmonary problems to a minimum, facilitating oral or pharyngeal or respiratory coordination, modifying the behavioural and sensory issues etc. are our areas of focus depending on the results from examining the condition of the individual child.