
Pediatric Occupational Therapy – What Parents Should Know and Expect from the Therapy

occupational therapy dubai

Parenting is a remarkable journey filled with happiness, laughter, joy as well as challenges. And, for a few parents, the journey is a bit more challenging because of their kid’s neurological, physical and developmental conditions.

There are lots of emotions parents go through. There are genuine concerns for your child’s condition, frustration for dealing with difficulties, and also the deep desire to provide the best support to their kids, no matter what. 

Occupational therapy(OT) helps kids develop the necessary skills to perform everyday tasks on their own. And, this is why the word occupation is there in the therapy name – teaching the skills to do daily tasks. OT is recommended therapy in Dubai for treating a wide variety of conditions, such as autism spectrum disorders(ASD), sensory processing disorders, developmental delays, physical disabilities and other conditions. 

Aims of Occupational Therapy (OT) 

Every kid must learn skills for age-appropriate tasks like playing, learning, bathing, dressing, and other personal tasks. Because of neurological or developmental challenges, kids fail to do these occupations and need support from others. The aim of occupational therapy is to teach children how to do meaningful activities. Keep in mind that occupational therapy works best as a tailored approach.

For this reason, occupational therapists first check the child’s condition and how much they struggle. They then create a unique therapy plan to boost the child’s abilities. This therapy helps kids learn fine motor skills, sensory processing, coordination, and thinking skills.

What Role Do You Have as Parents in Occupational Therapy?

As a parent, your involvement in your child’s occupational therapy journey is equally important. Because you are your child’s biggest support system. Occupational therapists involve parents to develop personalized intervention plans – so parents can also guide their kids at home. This collaboration ensures that the therapy extends beyond the clinic – here the goal is to integrate the therapy as a part of your child’s daily routine. This will foster continuous improvement and confidence. The therapists will help parents be aware of specific types of exercises or activities that their kids can practice at home for better outcomes.

What Benefits Can Parents Expect from Occupational Therapy

When it comes to motor skills, this therapy helps the kids a lot. It enhances both fine and gross motor skills. 

Apart from that, OT also teaches children how to perform daily tasks without depending on parents or others. They learn how to dress and feed themselves, how to use the toilet, tie a shoe, etc.

Many kids struggle with sensory issues and OT provides strategies to manage these overwhelming sensory inputs. It leads to better regulation and engagement with their environment.

With OT intervention, children develop better social and play skills. These skills are necessary for improving their ability to interact with other peers, teachers and individuals and understand social cues.

OT also focuses on executive functioning skills such as attention, organization, and planning. And, parents can understand how important these skills are for success in school and daily life. Occupational therapy also improves visual and perceptual skills, which are crucial for reading and writing.

Overall, OT boosts a child’s confidence and self-esteem, irrespective of their mental or physical conditions. When children master new skills and overcome challenges, they develop a more positive self-image and a positive attitude. 

Reach out to The Best Occupation Therapy Clinic at Hope AMC

Children can benefit from occupational therapy when they are guided by certified practitioners. 

Hope AMC is the leading pediatric rehabilitation center that offers occupational therapy in Dubai. We offer comprehensive therapies and tailored treatment to children of all ages.

We have board-certified occupational therapists who have helped many kids to lead a more happy life with continuous support and guidance. We also induce parents, caregivers, and teachers in the therapy program to help the kid in every possible way.

Visit our website to discover we design tailored therapy goals for each child after analyzing their condition and unique needs. Or, call us to schedule an appointment! Our clinic is open 7 days a week.

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By admin | September 24, 2024 | Categories: Pediatric Occupational Therapy | Tags:

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