
Helping Your Child Swallow Safely: How VitalStim Therapy Can Transform Lives

vital stimulation therapy for swallowing

Parenting is a blissful experience! But when children are diagnosed with some crucial conditions, everything becomes stressful!

Dysphagia is such a type of condition, making everything difficult for children and families. Parents may find themselves clueless on how to properly teach their kids to take a bite of the food and swallow it properly! They pray that their children won’t choke or cough. Dysphagia is no small issue—if left untreated, the child may face many problems in the future.

As a parent, what do you do to simplify things for your children? We recommend that you consult with trained therapists. One of the most hopeful therapy methods to treat Dysphagia is VitalStim Therapy.

Take precious 5 minutes and learn how VitalStim Therapy(a type of electrical stimulation therapy) can actually restore kids’ ability to swallow safely and with confidence.

Dysphagia: What Makes Swallowing Difficult

Dysphagia may be caused by various kinds of reasons that could range from neurological disorders, developmental delays, or structural defects.

In children, the condition may prove to be very challenging as it affects their eating experience, maintaining nutrition, and social interaction while eating. Some of the typical challenges that accompany Dysphagia include:

  • Trouble chewing or getting food to the back of the mouth
  • Recurring choking or coughing during meals
  • Fear of drinking or eating due to previous negative experience
  • Weight loss or failure to gain weight due to poor nutrition
  • Greater risk of respiratory infection from aspiration (food or liquid can go into the lungs)

These are very serious issues for the child and the family.

VitalStim Therapy Treating Dysphagia

VitalStim Therapy is a type of electrical muscle stimulation therapy. It is used to strengthen the swallowing muscles. The process stimulates the muscles using soft electrical currents and actually trains the muscles to return to strength and coordination. The best part is it is not invasive, nor is it painful, and even has been approved by the FDA.

What are the Benefits of VitalStim Therapy for Swallowing

If you are thinking of VitalStim Therapy for your child, here are some of the most important advantages you can look forward to:

Enhanced Swallowing Function: As this therapy directly addresses the muscles, it enhances the strength and coordination necessary for effective swallowing. That is why this therapy has been able to bring improvement in many children after a few sessions.

Non-Painful and Non-Invasive: As a parent, your child’s comfort is always your top concern. VitalStim Therapy is so gentle and well-tolerated by the majority of children. And, don’t worry about the electrical currents because these are mild and feel like a tingling sensation.

Individualized Treatment Plans: Each child is different, and so is his or her Dysphagia. VitalStim Therapy is tailored to fit your child’s individual needs. This is accomplished in order to achieve the most favorable results.

Reduced Risk of Aspiration: Dysphagia is a condition where the risk lies of food or liquid entering the lungs. But, as the swallowing function improves with time, VitalStim Therapy also reduces this risk.

Quality of Life: As the child is used to the therapy, the child can eat and drink more comfortably. So, it becomes less stressful! The nutrition improves, and your child can enjoy social interactions around food.

Final Words

Your child can progress when you reach out to a certified speech-language pathologist or healthcare provider who specializes in Vital Stimulation Therapy for swallowing. They can assess your child’s particular needs and create a personalized plan to improve.

Hope AMC is such a pediatric rehabilitation center that works with certified We have qualified and board-certified therapists, specializing in Vital stimulation therapy. Our therapists have worked with many children and families! 

With our personalized therapy approach, many children have improved their swallowing issues and overall quality of life. 
If you want to know more about this therapy, visitour official website! Or, book an initial consultation with one of our therapists.

By admin | March 1, 2025 | Categories: VitalStim Therapy | Tags:

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