
Getting Ready for Your Child’s Occupational Therapy – A Parent’s Guide

occupational therapy for kids

The use of occupational therapy is very helpful for children with developmental issues and other disabilities such as motor skills and learning disability, cognitive abilities, physical challenges, or speech delays. It serves as a tool for preparing the child for handling other tasks and activities in their routine undertakings. This therapist is particularly involved in the treatment of these children often in the home or school or healthcare facility environment.

These specially trained occupational therapists very well understand a child’s requirements and can design meaningful activities in order to enhance his function as well as his independence. Occupational therapists are able to put in specific individual recommendations for children who may have a disability or an injury or illness that may impact their progress in fine motor, cognition, speech and language development interventions.

OTs practice with children of all ages and the goal is to improve their motor skills, feeding, dressing, using a fork, and a spoon, consuming toilet training, and other features that make early childhood so important, as it prepares children for a walk.

Who Can Benefit from Pediatric Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy for kids is designed for children who have developmental issues like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, or a certain level of developmental delay. This can also be helpful with children who are in the process of regaining consciousness after a head injury or stroke. Despite your child appearing to have a normal birth and may not exhibit any signs of delay or disability, it is possible to find that your child may require some extra help in some areas or skills compared to other children his age. If you observe this, it is preferable to consult your pediatrician further about it.

The OTs provide services to children in their childhood and young adulthood and early adulthood stages. Some of the goals of intervention are aimed at improving the child’s fine and gross motor skills, and self-help skills, in areas such as feeding, dressing, toileting and walking without the aid of others.

Why Your Child Might See an Occupational Therapist and How to Prepare

It is highly possible that your child would require occupational therapy if he/she has physical challenges, learning disabilities, psychological problems, delays in development, or intellectual disability and cannot perform simple tasks.Specialists in this field can address various aspects of a child’s learning, emotional and motor development, focusing on cognitive, sensory, and play skills, behavior, social relations, and gross and fine motor development.

These therapists focus on your child’s strengths and work closely with families to address their unique needs.

occupational therapy for kids

Getting Prepared for Your Child’s Occupational Therapy Appointments

If your doctor or child health nurse recommends occupational therapy for your kid, it’s a good idea to have a discussion about the following:

You need to be prepared for the following things – 

  • First, figure out whether you’ll need to schedule the appointment yourself or the general doctor will handle that for you. Also, ask if telehealth options are available for virtual sessions.
  • Get information on how long the waiting list is to get your first appointment scheduled.
  • What you can do in the meantime while waiting, such as documenting the tasks your child struggles with and any current support they receive.
  • Know about the costs involved and if you qualify for rebates through Medicare, private insurance, or other coverage.
  • The location options for therapy sessions, like hospitals, private clinics, your home or your child’s school.And, ensure the occupational therapist is properly registered and certified to practice according to the standards.

Having this information ahead of time can help you feel prepared and know what to expect as your child begins occupational therapy.

Bottom Line

If you want to ensure high-quality occupational therapy for kids in Dubai, look no further than Hope AMC. We are Dubai’s most prestigious pediatric rehabilitation clinic, offering different types of pediatric therapy including occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, feeding and swallowing therapy and more for children of various age groups.

Our therapists are board-certified and experienced and offer one-of-a-kind therapy meaning tailored therapy for kids based on their specific conditions and unique needs.
Visit our Dubai clinic today! Or, book an appointment now!

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