
How Can Parents Know Their Little Kids Need Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA Therapy?

applied behavior analysis

Hello parents! Today we will talk about Applied behavioral analysis a.k.a  ABA therapy.

So, what is ABA therapy? This is a kind of gold-standard treatment for children – used all across the globe. This therapy has the potential to improve communication, learning as well as social skills.

So, now the question is, when do children need this therapy? How can parents figure out their kids need to visit a therapist for Applied Behavioral Analysis

As per the general belief, ABA is a highly beneficial treatment option for children who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other developmental conditions. Meaning, this therapy is also beneficial for dementia, anger issues, substance use disorder, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, panic disorder, cognitive impairment after brain injury, borderline personality disorder, etc.

Although ABA is beneficial for many conditions, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Certified ABA therapists closely observe the child first, figure out the root cause of the condition or unique situations, complexity level, past medical history and all. After thorough analysis, therapists design a unique/one-of-a-kind therapy for individual kids. Plus, this therapy is not just about engaging the kids with certain or targeted exercises, it’s also about educating the parents, caregivers, and teachers so that the child has ultimate support.

How can parents figure out if their children need ABA intervention?

See, the development of a child from the tender age to adulthood can be challenging, especially when there are certain behavioral concerns. Parents can look for some vital signs that actually indicate the child may need Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Take a look at those signs –

Poor Communication 

Many children have issues with communication, especially when they are new at it. However, with time, they excel in communication. But, if you see your child faces difficulties in verbal or nonverbal communication for a longer time, Then you should approach a therapist. ABA can benefit children with communication problems. Tailored ABA techniques help enhance language development and communication skills.

Repetitive Behaviors 

Repetitive behaviors or specific activities are common signs. Children who show excessive or repetitive tantrums, aggression, or self-injury, need ABA therapy. 

Through careful observation, ABA therapists can identify the underlying causes of this type of behavior and work accordingly to modify them. 

They basically reinforce positive behaviors and teach alternative coping skills to children. And, this is how they learn to manage their emotions and responses in more constructive ways. 

Poor Adaptive Skills

Another trigger to look for is whether the kid fails to have age-appropriate adaptive skills, here we are talking about self-care, hygiene, and daily routines. In this case, the child needs ABA intervention that can systematically teach and reinforce these skills. As a result, the child becomes independent and self-sufficient, and shows positive behavior.

Socially Awkward

Children generally love to engage with peers, teachers or others in age-appropriate social interactions. But, children who find it very challenging to socially interact with others, may need ABA intervention. These types of children find it extremely difficult to make friends, understand social cues, or take part in communication. However, ABA can address these issues effectively.

Difficulty with Changes in Activities or Environments

If you see, your child always struggles with transitions meaning changing their routines or moving from one activity to another or different environments, you must take your child to the therapist. Custom ABA techniques establish routines and predictable patterns – these make changes smoother and less stressful for the kid. 

Bottom Line

If you think your child has any of the above-discussed signs or is diagnosed with ASD or other neurological conditions, you must approach a board-certified therapist for Applied Behavior Analysis.

Hope AMC is Dubai’s one of the reputed pediatric clinics that works with experienced, competent and certified therapists and doctors. 

Our therapists design tailored ABA therapy programs consisting of targeted exercises to bring the best outcome from the treatment. 

Visit our official website to discover more about ABA programs. Or, book a consultation with one of our therapists today!

By admin | September 13, 2024 | Categories: ABA therapy Dubai | Tags:

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